Wednesday 13 May 2015

Get ready for this week legendary cup. Prepare your ammunition and lets join the legend!!
There is a bug on this week Legend Cup. When you reach newcomer V your bulu monster will force close and back to your home screen. But don't worry, even though you will always exit the game when reach newcomer V, you won't lose your points which you gain before.
This LC Need lots of effort to get the reward because we need to open the game again each time we reach newcomer V.

This week featured monster is "Spectow"
Advantage: spectow has a high attack and defense. It pretty strong for you who doesn't have a dragon
Disadvantage: spectow speed is pretty low. but its body element could make spectow survive fighting againts dragons.
Spectow has a unique skill which make it hard to be killed.

Spectow (1st Form)

Speccttle Lv.20 (2nd Form)

Phantox Lv.40 (3rd Form)

For further information I'll update it as soon as possible, So stay tune guys ^^

Lets join the legend and win this rare monster. I'll see you there guys ^^
Phantox "Darkness is myself"


  1. Gan mohon pencerahannya utk defeat mythic type monsters di LC.ane skrg lg leveling polarmon,baru level 80an tapi speed sama defense nya low banget.kemarin sempat coba di nighty edition,dihajar smua dragon ane,padahal udah pada max level.

    1. Untuk defeat mythic ga harus pk ES jg. ane sering menang lawan mythic pk dragon kok. tergantung build monster kitanya aja gan.
      klo recommend dari ane sih bisa pk prisoner/duke, duke attack nya gede pk skill ice punch bs 1 hit kill mythic.

    2. kalau prisoner ane punya gan udah max level, skillnya ice beam, night shade, punch, sama vaccum blast.

    3. nanti deh ane cba buatin video tutorial lawan mythic klo pas ada waktu luang :D

  2. gan, numpang nanya, kok ane pas ikut lc tiap nyampe division newcomer 5 jd ngefreeze ya gan, trus aplikasi berhenti langsung keluar sendiri. pdahal gaada masalah sm koneksi + ram, ane ikut rc jg gaada masalah gan, mohon pencerahannya:)

    1. emang untuk LC minggu ini ky gitu gan, itu bug dr servernya. sama ky pas LC yg nighty kmaren ronde 1 sama 2 connect fail.
      tapi tenang aja gan, meskipun keluar lanjutin aja trus. poinnya tetep keitung kok ga ada yg ilang. tapi ya gitu harus sabar keluar masuk aplikasinya.. hehe

    2. ternyata emang bug ya gan, kirain cm punya saya:) makasih pencerahannya ya gan;)
