Monday 4 May 2015

Step by Step how to data migration your bulu monster game.

Step 1. Select Settings.

Step 2. Select Data Migration.

Step 3. A warning message will appear. Note that the data will be deleted from your phone and uploaded online. If you agree, press check.

Step 4. Wait. The file is being uploaded. It may take some time depending on your internet connection.
To avoid data corruption, please make sure you have stable internet connection.

Step 5. Successfully uploaded! Your registration code will appear. Make sure to copy this or you'll regret it later. You may press copy so you can paste it on another application or copy it on a paper or screenshot your phone.
I recommend that you take a screenshot so that later on you can provide this to Sigma Game in case you have problems. Taking a screenshot depends on your phone. For Samsung users, you can press the POWER and HOME buttons simultaneously.

Step 6. It's been copied to my system clipboard. Paste it to anywhere you can like messaging or note or whatever.

Step 7. Open Bulu Monster on your old or new phone or wherever you want to transfer it to. Select DATA MIGRATION.

Step 8. This is the final step. Enter your migration code to transfer your data

Step 9. Nothing! You have successfully transferred your data. Enjoy playing.
Share this to people who need guidance in doing the data migration.
Good luck!

Credits to Dragon Queen and Bulu Monster Fansite

Original source:


  1. really useful.finally i understand the way how to migrate my account.thanks a lot. two thumbs up.

    1. Hope that will help you.. and thanks to dragon queen, the one who made this tutorial.

    2. Can you give any data migaratin code of bulu monster

    3. Admins when i ta0 on migration they told parse error

    4. Sir when i tap on migration they told parse error

    5. Sir why i cant migrate mine..please help..

    6. 😭😭😭😭

  2. I have a problem here

    Waktu ane pilih migration terus kan nungguin beberapa lama tuh,kok yang muncul tulisan error can't make folder atau apa gitu mohon bsntuan nya,thanks

    Satu lagi,ini game cara nyimpen character nya gimana sih? Connect facebook bisa ga?

    1. mungkin koneksinya kurang stabil. klo data migration harus stabil koneksinya.

      klo nyimpen karakter ga bs selain data migration atau pk aplikasi untuk backup data

  3. om kok klo ngemasukin data migration ada tulisan english only

  4. Swaktu loading data migration force close.. Solusi dong..

  5. disini juga sama,force close pas lg loading. infonya data migration lagi error, belum difix-kan sama sigma game.

  6. The data migration is not working..its always saying error cannot create folder... help me please

    1. Yes they have remove migration system

    2. So is there any way to do it

  7. Gmn kalo lupa code migration nya

  8. I try my migration data i use it end i update my bulu monster then i try second end dont enter help me pls

  9. Bang mau tanya itu kalo data migration buat mindahin data ke perangkat baru , kalo d save data bulu monster gimana ? Itu ada Cloud , download aplikasi iCloud Yg mana ? Mohon bantuannya

    1. Lngsung aja dngan cara di atas...icloud itu cma buat pengguna iphone (ios)

  10. Buat yg gk bisa update ke vrsi trbaru...backup dulu data game pke titanium backup (root)...hapus versi tebaru di playstore...jngn buka dulu gamenya...restore data via titanium backup...selesai

  11. gan data save was corrupt knapa , trus cara ngembaliin id nya gimna biar ga ngulang dari awal

  12. Min kan kita belum punya data migration code tpi tiba2 ga bisa masuk ke game tpi ada bacaan masukan migration code nah kita dapetin migration codenya gimana? Sedangkan klo mau dapetin codenya harus masuk ke dalam game dulu. Minta solusinya dong min?

  13. Min kan kita belum punya data migration code tpi tiba2 ga bisa masuk ke game tpi ada bacaan masukan migration code nah kita dapetin migration codenya gimana? Sedangkan klo mau dapetin codenya harus masuk ke dalam game dulu. Minta solusinya dong min?

  14. Min tolong di jawab cepat min

  15. Min tolong di jawab cepat min

  16. Hello why are you hiding you're
    Migration code please unhide them
    I want

  17. My data migration was error , how i can play again ?
    MIGRATION CLOSED , how i can play again ?

  18. Now i got problem. It always says migration closed. How can i fix this?

  19. I need my migration code pls help me

  20. Bang tolong bantuannya kenal iya pas maen digame bulu monster engga bisa ngesave
    Tolong bantuannya gan

  21. how to transfer id without migration

  22. How to get account was corrupted.I need your help.

  23. Is anyone interested in buying a max out acc of bulu monster I have super rare and ultra rare monsters all max out ?
