Wednesday 29 April 2015


This week legendary cup reward monster is Telekent.
Advantage: Telekent has a very high attack and good defense too
Disadvantage: Telekent speed is pretty low, make it difficult facing a high speed opponents with high attack like vedragon and thundrestorm.

Telekio Lv.20

Telekgon Lv.40


These two monsters which I got this morning

Telekent has a good stat but the skills set was not good enough for me, because of I'm expecting this monster would be a dragon killer. And unfortunately my Telekent only has 1 IV :(
But afterall the skill damage was great with high attack and supported with 2 shield skills make it to be a great killer and defender monster.

Sadly my Evilfishy has low IV too. but I don't really care because of this is only for my collection.
But for you who love dark things, you'll be love this monster too. because this monster has a very good skills set. It has a great attack power and huge amount of health, but with low defense and speed would make this monster is easy to kill.

Telekent at its full Potential :3
I made it a full defensive type which raise the defense only. My Telegon Defense is +39
My skill build is focusing on semi dragon killer with defensive skill (I Prefer Psycho shield than Spirit shroud. Because spirit shroud will increase opponents attack, defense, and speed that will make our opponents getting stronger). And I take Psybeam for killing non-dragon monster, especially for killing dark-type like Necrolym which featured before and lot of players using it.. lol :D

Everyone Don't forget to join Legendary Cup to get this rare dragon monster.

Always RemembeR
Play fairly and honestly


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